I’m Vlad

Meet Vladyslav

Hello I’m Vlad, welcome to my website. I specialize in helping people to create extra streams of income, and passive income. I have years of experience in helping people develop their mindsets, and skill sets. You might be wondering who I am so let me tell you my story.

It all started when I was born in Russia, life wasn’t easy growing up. I was born in Russia, shortly after we moved and I grew up in Ukraine. I was raised by a single mother in my younger years, and we shared a house with my grandparents. Life was really tough for us back then, there were many times when we struggled to put enough food on the table. In search of a better life, my mother and I moved to the USA when I was 8 years old. It was a really challenging transition for me, I did not know any english when I immigrated. Growing up life was really difficult, and I was often bullied for being different. My mother and I moved around a lot from New York, to Florida, living with people who would help us out. I am grateful now looking back to have had to deal with so much hardship so early on in my life. It gave me a clear vision of what I wanted in my future at a young age. Even then, I knew that I wanted to create a better life for myself, my mother and my family in the future. I wanted to make sure that my future family would never have to struggle like I did when I was young.

As soon as I was old enough I got a job, I worked all throughout highschool. I was determined to help my mother out with her bills. This continued as I went into college, sometimes even working 2 jobs at once while in school. When I went into college, I fell in love with boxing, anytime I wasn’t studying or working I was training. I eventually got picked up by a coach at my local gym and started boxing competitively. This led me to realize that I wasn’t passionate about the program I was studying. So I gave it up to become a full time boxer. I started traveling and competing internationally, but it all ended abruptly when my heart failed in one of my matches. I was told that I would never be able to box competitively again. This changed my whole world, and for the first time I realized that I needed a back up plan. I had always been a hard worker, I knew how to set goals, go after what I want and achieve it. So it felt like fate when I was introduced to a business opportunity around the same time this was happening. A friend of mine opened my eyes to the possibility of being an entrepreneur and I couldn’t pass it up.

I am extremely grateful for all of the life experiences I have had throughout my journey. They have taught me many skills that have made me so much better prepared for the challenges that come my way. Whether you’re a business owner, an entrepreneur or not everyone faces challenges in life, and how you handle them will determine your success. It is important to know what you want, and to always look forward with that vision. There are never roadblocks in life, simply setbacks and new opportunities to learn. Anyone can be successful in business and in life if they simply put their head down and work. Because I learned to keep my eyes and ears open to new opportunities I have now had the blessing of being able to work with many people from around the world. I have been able to establish myself in many different ventures from Investments, to automation, to working with A.I technology. I have been able to develop partnerships with the founders of global operations. I’ve also been able to travel the world and network with many amazing individuals. I was able to do this because I knew what I wanted and I never gave up.